Capacity Upgrade/Analysis

Specification Writing

Feasibility Studies

Design, Drafting & Detailing

Retrofit Engineering

Field Engineers & Supervision
If you are looking for an alternative to the OEM’s for design changes, capacity upgrades or engineering support, then Simmers is that alternative.
We won’t try to sell you a new crane or component unless you absolutely need one or it is the best of all alternatives. Simmers has been performing capacity analysis and engineering design services since 1958 on various crane manufacturers equipment including but not limited to: Alliance Machine, Bedford, Browning, Cleveland, Crane Manufacturing and Service, Demag, DeShazo, Ederer, Gaffey, Harnischfeger (P&H), Kranco, Kone, Landel, Manning Maxwell & Moore, Mecomatic, Morgan, Northern, Paceco, Reading, Stanspec, Virginia, Zenar. Our engineering staff consists of electrical, mechanical and civil engineering personnel, many of which are Registered Professional Engineers.
Calculations are performed to verify existing lifting capacity or an increase in lifting capacity due to process changes or crane application.
Calculations are performed according to nationally recognized specifications ( CMAA, AISE, AGMA, etc) in order to assure compliance with codes and adequate mechanical, structural or electrical design.
Relocating an existing crane may require a change in span. Changing a crane span requires more than just cutting and splicing girders together.
An engineered cut is located at the least stressed point in each girder and is geometrically configured such that the integrity of the weld is sufficient for years of proper operation.
When increasing crane lifting capacity or adding a crane to an existing building, the runway and its support structure must be evaluated for the increase in loading.
Girders, rail, columns, tie backs and foundations are inspected and analyzed per AISE, AISC and BOCA specifications and codes.
Long term crane performance begins with a well defined specification with the enhancements you desire. The most common crane problems occur when a crane is misapplied to the application.
Simmers can help you identify the application and the proper duty cycle and crane classification whether it is CMAA Class A, B, C, D, E or F or an AISE TR#6 Service Classification I, II, III, or IV. We also recommend enhancements to certain classification in order to provide you better value or identify your specific preferences.
OSHA specifies when an engineered lift can be performed and at what intervals. Simmers can help you execute such infrequent lift requirements, thus avoiding a complete capacity upgrade.
If your workforce desires to perform the field work, our engineering staff will provide design and coordination services to assure proper component selection, code compliance and installation supervision, assuring you the job will be done right the first time.
Unforeseen problems that usually arise during any modernization can be resolved quickly and efficiently by having an on-site qualified person at your side.
Having problems obtaining obsolete components or just can’t wait for the OEM to respond in a timely manner? Simmers is your answer.
We will design replacement drums, wheel assemblies, sheaves, end trucks, gearing, girders, frames, shafting, couplings, hooks, etc. Engineering calculations will be performed to support our designs.