Many older cranes are found to need electrical overhauls to improve function and decrease down time. At Simmers Crane Design & Services we can assist with anything from the most complex electrical projects to something as simple as adding safety lights for visual warning that a crane is overhead of personnel on the ground. From old DC contactors to new AC variable frequency drives to automation projects, our company can help.

New Controls Replace Static Stepless
A major steel mill melt shop owner contracted our company to engineer, supply and install a new control system to replace an outdated static stepless control arrangement. Maintenance costs were up and reliability was down. That, along with scarcity of replacement parts and very short supply of technicians that are qualified to troubleshoot the complex system, led to complete replacement. The redesigned system added greater precision to the control by way of variable frequency drives. A custom dual motor, load sharing drive train added reliability and safety. The field installation was performed in a planned shutdown and was completed on schedule.
DC-to-AC Conversions
Similar to the above, a major steel mill melt shop owner contracted our company to engineer, supply and install a new control system to replace an outdated DC contactor control arrangement. Due to rising maintenance costs, decreasing reliability, scarcity of replacement parts of the obsolete DC contactors and mill motors, and short supply of technicians that are qualified to troubleshoot the system, the customer elected to completely replace all the DC equipment. The redesigned system utilized variable frequency drive controls operating the new AC inverter-duty motors at a speed similar to the full-load speed of the old DC mill motors. All controls were housed in a steel container mounted on the bridge of the crane with a 100% redundant air-conditioning system. Additional items such as a new operator’s chair, festoon, disc brakes, positioning assistance, and collision avoidance systems were also installed during the conversion upgrade.